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Awards, AGMs and Adieus

Awards, AGMs and Adieus

Roger Corbett29 Jun - 20:37
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The 2023-24 end of season was celebrated in a variety of ways!

Last season’s performances by players from the 1st and 2nd XV squads were recognised at an Awards Dinner at Upritchard Park (the 3rds and 4ths held a similar event several weeks earlier). Ignoring the more irreverent ‘awards’ that are best kept within the confines of the function room, Club Captain James Leary and Master of Ceremonies Thomas Boyd highlighted the performances that merited the Coach’s Player and Players’ Player Awards for both teams. Despite the disappointment of not being able to play with the 1sts, Jack Andreassen picked up both awards for his commitment to the 2nds, while also devoting additional training time to support the fledgling players in the Under 14 squad. The awards for the 1sts were similarly dominated by one player. Rob Gamble demonstrated his willingness and versatility in a variety of playing positions including centre, winger, flanker and second row forward. While Rob was not able to attend this event in person, it was fitting that his second row partner, Jamie Thallon, was on hand to pick up the awards on his behalf.

[President Drew Kennedy, Jack Andreassen, and 2nd XV Manager Matt Nesbitt]

[1st XV Captain James Leary, Jamie Thallon (for Rob Gamble), and President Drew Kennedy]

Next it was the turn of the Club officials and membership to review the season and prepare for the next at the Club’s Annual General Meeting. Despite losing its IRFU senior status, Bangor RFC are looking forward to their return to the Ulster Championship, Junior Cup and Towns Cup with a real sense of anticipation. There is also great excitement off the field of play with plans to refurbish the clubhouse to provide greatly enhanced changing and hospitality facilities.

Outgoing President, Drew Kennedy, reflected on an eventful year in office before passing the presidential baton to Jim Lacey – his second term in office, having held the role several years earlier. As the new Senior Vice President, John McClintock will be supporting Jim this year, before taking over the duties in the 2025-26 season.

[Outgoing President Drew Kennedy hands over to Jim Lacey]

Finally, Bangor’s departure from the All Ireland League also drew a line under the activities of the self-styled ‘Pinkies’. In the words of the group’s founder, Rody Ward commented “After travelling around Ireland supporting Bangor in the infamous pink shirts, the intrepids are exhausted and so the shirt is being retired. But fear not, the Ulster tour will commence in September with Enniskillen pencilled in as the first overnight trip! A new shirt will be revealed, but its colour is a closely guarded secret! C'mon Bangor!”

[The Pinkies (Denis Neill and Stevie McKay missing from picture)]

Further reading